Test Server Configuration


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See also: Studio Preferences, Introduction to the Verj.io Server, Deployment Overview


Selecting the current server 1

Configuring Servers 1

Embedded Server 2

Cloud Servers 3

On-premise Servers 3

Server security. 3



Test servers can be configured using the Servers tab of the Studio Preferences Dialog. Once a server has been added, it can then be used within the studio e.g. it can be deployed to, or it can be made the current server that is used to test forms and other entities and is used for debug.


Selecting the current server

The current server can be changed using the server dropdown shown in the top right-hand corner of the studio window.



This dropdown list includes: the distributed Embedded Server, all on-premise servers that have been added using the Servers tab of the Studio Preferences dialog, and all cloud Service Plans (see below). The current server is changed by selecting the appropriate server from the list – this server can then be used for testing and debugging.


In most cases the selected server and the studio should both point to the same workspace – this is a requirement when you are running test forms and other entities, and you will receive a warning message when the server and studio are using different workspaces. However when you are debugging, the studio and server may well have different workspaces – you just need to ensure that both the studio and the server have the same copy of any scripts that are being debugged.


The icon to the right of the dropdown shows the current status of the selected server: this will show either a green tick to indicate the server is running or a red cross to indicate that it can’t be contacted. Also, clicking on this icon displays a dropdown menu where you can perform actions on the selected server e.g. start, stop, show status, view logs etc.


Configuring Servers




There are three types of server that can be configured/added:


Embedded Server

The Embedded Server is usually started automatically each time the studio is started and closed as the studio is shut down.


Start server on startup: controls whether or not the server is started automatically when the studio is started

Find port dynamically: if selected, the system will dynamically find an unused port

Use port: use the explicit port number specified

Web application name: the name used to construct URLs to test forms. This defaults to ebasetest. If this name is changed, note that the ebasetest.xml file and ebasetest directories in the Embedded Server file system do not need to be renamed – these must be named ebasetest regardless of the web application name.

Java arguments: arguments to be added to the Java command used to start the server

Cloud Servers

Service Plans are shown automatically in this panel when the studio user has the required roles (these are configured using the Verj.io Portal). See Server Security below.

On-premise Servers

On-premise servers can be added, deleted and edited using the toolbar at the top of this panel.




Target Server Name

Enter any name of your choice; this name is shown each time you select a target server

Target URL

The URL of the target system up to and including the web application name e.g. http://testserver:3031/ebasetest

Security Credentials

User name and password on the target server. See Server Security below.


Security Token is required when server deployment property Deployment Security Token is specified, and must then match the server token value.


Click the Test connection button to test that the configuration is correct and a connection can be made to the target server.


Server security

Embedded Server

This server is embedded into the studio and the studio user has full access to all server functions, no security is required.


Cloud Servers (Service Plans)

Service Plans are shown automatically in the studio when the studio user has at least one of the following roles (these are configured using the Verj.io Portal):


On-Premise Servers

Each user must have a configured userid on the target system – users are created using the supplied Internal Security System (Server Admin App > Security > Internal Security System).  The userid/password combination must be configured as part of the on-premise server configuration as shown above. An additional security token can be configured for extra security. One or both of the following roles are needed and must be configured for each user on the target system (note that the role names are case sensitive):