Authentication using OpenID Connect


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See also: User Authentication, OpenID Connect, Application Authentication, OpenID Connect Configuration



The ability to authenticate using OpenID Connect is an authentication option supplied with the system. It can be used to connect to any external OpenID Connect provider e.g. Google Identity Platform, a remote Active Directory system using ADFS etc. Depending on the implementation this might result in a popup window being shown where the user can enter their user name and password. Roles and credentials can be populated automatically from the claims returned by the provider if this is supported by the provider system.


When the Use OpenID Connect checkbox is checked, the connection marked as the default is used to authenticate all users when they first connect to the system. Connection configurations can also be used for application authentication.


OpenID Connect authentication is configured on the User Authentication page of the Server Admin App. 






Connecting to ADFS

A step by step guide to connecting to a remote Active Directory using ADFS is provided here.