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Council Tax: Empty Property Discount

 To complete this form you will need to provide the following information

Discount Details:-

Unoccupied and substantially unfurnished properties

  • Up to 31st March 2024, if your property is unoccupied and substantially unfurnished, you may be entitled to a 100% discount for up to three months.
  • From 1st April 2024, if your property is unoccupied and substantially unfurnished, you may be entitled to a 100% discount for up to one month.

Properties empty for one year or more

  • Unfurnished properties vacant for between one and five years are subject to a 100% premium, resulting in 200% council tax payable.
  • Unfurnished properties vacant for between five and ten years are subject to a 200% premium, resulting in 300% council tax payable.
  • Unfurnished properties vacant for more than ten years are subject to a 300% premium, resulting in 400% Council Tax payable.

The premium is added to the property and does not factor in changes in liability. If you are considering purchasing a property that has been empty for some time, you may be charged the premium immediately.

Details required:-

  • Your Name and current address.
  • Council Tax reference number of the empty property.
  • The dates the property became empty and unfurnished.
  • After you submit the form, you will be given a reference number. This reference number can be used for any further enquiries.

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